Frequently Asked Questions
Need help? Here's how to get it!
Who are you & how can you offer such great deals?
Why no phone number listed on your site?
Why don't you offer lettering or numbering?
Can I get a copy of your catalogue?
How do I return goods?
Do you ship to foreign countries?
Tell me more about the manufacturers you represent.
Any tips on matching colors and fabrics?
HELP...My question isn't answered here!
Who are you & how can you offer such great deals?

Hi!  My name is John Monetta, and I've been in the sporting goods and athletic team uniform business for over 30 years. I opened my web site in 1997 with one goal in mind: To deliver high quality team uniforms in the quickest manner possible at the lowest price. I knew there had to be a better way, and I found it.

My long standing alliances with the top manufacturers in the U.S. and Canada allows me to offer uniforms shipped directly to you, right from their warehouses, at incredibly great prices. Why are the prices so low? Because we have eliminated the middleman, and this savings is passed right on to you.

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Why no phone number listed on your site?  

It's the time zone problem. I'm a one man operation located in Toledo, Ohio. There is no phone bank of operators standing by (overhead), and, as you know, the internet is a global marketplace. I have customers from all over the world. The manufacturers, factories and warehouses that I represent are located all across the U.S. and Canada. I found that the time zone problem caused all of us to waste too much time playing phone tag. I'm not in, you're not in, the manufacturer/factory/warehouse is already closed for the day... you see what I mean? Email is MUCH MORE efficient, and I check it all day long.

If you have questions, please use my information request form. To get your questions answered quickly, include as much information - styles, colors, sizes/ages, etc. - as possible.

To place an order, please see the order form. It can also be faxed to 1-866-337-7071NOTE: I  need a hard copy of your order before the warehouses will check their stock. If something is out of stock, I will contact you right away.

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Why don't you offer lettering or numbering?

Since our uniforms are shipped directly to you from the manufacturers' warehouses, we cannot offer lettering or numbering. Once garments have been personalized, they cannot be returned to the manufacturer for incorrect sizes. See screen printers and embroidering in your local Yellow Pages for more information about customization in your area. RETURN TO PREVIOUS PAGE


Can I get a copy of your catalogue?

My web pages are my catalogue. To obtain a hard copy, please feel free to print any and all pages that you desire. If you're looking for items not shown on these pages, please use my information request form. To expedite your request, include as much information - styles, colors, sizes/ages, etc. - as you can.

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How do I return goods?

Returns must be made within 30 days of purchase. Please use my Request for Return Authorization Number Form to obtain your RA (Return Authorization) number. Since the products were shipped to you directly from their respective manufacturers, I will need to provide you with the correct factory return addresses along with the RA number. Therefore, you must completely describe what you are returning so that I can give you the correct return address. Any goods to be returned must be cleared by me first. PLEASE NOTE: The manufacturers charge a 15% re-stocking fee for all return goods and exchanges.

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Do you ship to foreign countries?

No, at this time I do not ship outside of the United States. The only exception to this rule is for merchandise being delivered to U.S. Military Bases. If you are outside of the U.S. and not on a military base, you CAN have your order shipped to someone in the States and then have them re-ship it to you.

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Tell me more about the manufacturers you represent.

I only use companies that have made team athletic clothing for many years such as Majestic, Teamwork, Augusta, Hole-in-None, New Image, All Star, Teamco, Reebok, Union Jacks, and Rennoc, to name more than a few. My long standing association with these manufacturers enables me to have them ship the goods directly to you. The items I have chosen to sell from them are good quality and excellent values for amateur teams. If you think you want college quality, just tell me, and I will send you a competitive quote.  My information request form is located here.

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Any tips on matching colors and fabrics?

YES. To eliminate color mismatching, order tops & bottoms from the same manufacturer. Example: Royal blue soccer shorts from Teamco will most likely NOT match the royal blue jersey from Teamwork. The same goes for fabrics and fabric patterns between manufacturers. TIP: Order your tops and bottoms from the same manufacturer to be sure colors and fabrics match!  RETURN TO PREVIOUS PAGE


HELP... My question isn't answered here!

Please fill out my information request form being as complete as possible. Include as much information as you can to help me help you get your questions answered in the least amount of time.

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Our web site is our catalogue. Please print out these pages if you desire a hard copy.